Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I had a blast on WPLR with Chaz & AJ! On Monday January 3rd I was there to talk about getting fit and healthy for 2011.

Here are FOUR resolutions to getting that fit body: But before you do anything, imagine the body you want. Visualize yourself living in that body every day. Soon, with consistency and a few changes, you can reach that goal.

1-Reduce belly fat. How? Get moving! Try to be active for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week.

2- Eliminate mindless eating. How? Get off that couch, throw away those M&M's and start thinking about what you are eating and why! Eat every 3-4 hours BEFORE you start feeling hungry, and prepare your foods ahead of time so you don't get stuck downing a bag of chips while you're making dinner. Every meal should be healthy with controlled portions of lean protein, veggies and whole grains.

3-Eat fat to lose weight! Check your balance of good fats in your diet. How? Start eating healthy(good) fats to help you lose weight. Increase your unsaturated fats. These are good for you! Omega 3's can be found in almonds, avocadoes, salmon, olive oil to name just a few. These fats help reduce inflammation and help regulate insulin pathways in order to avoid dips and surges in your blood sugar. When blood sugar is low, you crave starches and sugar. This is why it's important to avoid low fat diets. With low fat diets, you end up replacing fat with carbs, and carbs provoke a rise insulin. More insulin leads to hunger. On top of that your body digests carbohydrates faster than fat so you get hungry faster. Adding a healthy fat to breakfast, lunch and dinner actually speeds up weight loss. Fat also helps you feel more satisfied after a meal. So feel free to add some peanut or almond butter to your toast in the morning, some nuts and olive oil to your salad, and salmon at dinner.

4-Focus on health rather the number on the scale! How? Make ONE active change and ONE lifestyle change a week. For example, add 1 piece of fruit or veggie to your meal each day and walk 10 minutes. When you're comfortable, add a small change every week, and soon you will be on your way to a healthier you!

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